Overcoming Soil Moisture Challenges for Effective Pest Control
Soil fumigation is a proven practice to control weeds, disease and nematodes prior to fall planting.
The challenge? Ensuring adequate soil moisture that fulfill label requirements for fall fumigant application.
The solution? Valley Agronomics’s unique WET-TECH product.
WET-TECH is Valley Agronomics’ proprietary block polymer surfactant. It was formulated by Diamond K Gypsum in 2018 exclusively for the company. WET-TECH is presently recommended by more than 40 Valley Agronomics crop consultants in Idaho.
Why? WET-TECH enhances moisture movement and retention in hydrophobic soils that result from frequent wet-dry-wet cycles associated with intense irrigation. It also helps address soil tightening caused poor water quality due to salt, bicarbonate and manganese levels.
WET-TECH has proven an invaluable tool to improve the performance of shanked and chemigated fumigants such as Metamsodium and nematicides in potatoes and onions grown in Idaho.
Why? It helps growers ensure that there’s enough soil moisture in dry post harvest soils to hit fumigant label requirements. The increased moisture provided by WET-TECH allows moisture and fumigants to travel more freely throughout the soil profile for better control of diseases, nematodes and weeds.
For more information, contact your Valley Agronomics Crop Advisor!